Google’s mysterious OS: Fuchsia
Google is known for their innovation and their products, most of the time, they’re shown with a big reveal and critical acclaim, however, this project was kept in the sidelines, not an announcement or even being acknowledged, let’s take a look at Google’s newest OS...
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Considering Android Accessibility when developing Apps
Smartphones are everywhere nowadays, many of us even know people who have 2 or 3 of them, so developing apps has become a very important skill for developers, but oftentimes we don’t think who is using our apps, let’s take a look at some tips to make our app reach...
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Android new releases, pros and cons
Android is an ever-evolving, ever-expanding platform, with almost yearly releases, users are generally pleased, and often very happy to receive platform updates, new features, enhanced functionalities, etc. but, What does it mean for developers? Android has been...
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