Class Central, a search engine to find the best MOOCs and online courses
In 2011, Dhawal Shah was doing one of the very first MOOCs in Artificial Intelligence when he saw more being announced from Stanford University. He thought, then, how much he would like to see all the courses in one page and be able to sort them by start date. So, he...
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Top Apps for athletes
Today it is more common to see people using apps for leading a healthy lifestyle.  Athletes have found in mobile technology the perfect ally to improve their exercise routines, as they have better control of their effort while working out. We’ve seen before that users...
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Why User Experience is important in App development?
A great design will always catch the attention of users, however, we also need to think about the type of experience we are giving them, if we want to keep them interested in a long term and get excellent reviews from our product. According to the Nielsen Norman...
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