Soft skills every entrepreneur developer should have (and how to practice them)
An entrepreneur developer is someone willing to launch a new business, knowing that if something goes wrong a considerable amount of money could be lost. If you are already a Professional Android Developer and you have an application ready to hit the market on Google...
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What is Android Studio and Android SDK tools?
Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is a toolset that enables developers to create apps for Android OS. It includes the required libraries to build Android apps, a debugger, an emulator, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and sample projects with source...
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How Learning Android Programming changes your career
There is an old saying attributed to the writer, JosĂ© MartĂ, about three things people are supposed to do in their life. It goes somehow like this: “Every person should plant a tree, write a book and have a child”. If the author of this phrase lived today, he would...
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