Reasons why Google Play Store could ban apps
As an Android developer, you should know the terms and conditions that Google has imposed on those who want to upload their projects to the Play Store and prevent them from banning apps created by you. Terms and conditions that every developer must follow in order to...
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Best Project Management Apps for mobile
Project Management apps have become indispensable for users who need to organize their daily assignments on their workday or their own routine. These kind of apps provide the right tools for people who have the idea of optimize their time, order activities and take...
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Tips to develop a successful game apps for Android
“Games” is, by far, the app category with more options available on Google Play Store. A couple of years ago, Company ARC made a study in which almost 600,000 game apps were distributed into 16 subcategories, with “Puzzle” being the most dominant. At that time, Games...
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