Category: Android News

Best live TV apps for Android

Live TV apps for Android have played an important role in the new ways users consume television. It is well known that the way people consume media and entertainment has changed in the last years. It has become easier for the audience to watch their favorite content right on their mobile devices. Certainly, one of the industries that has changed the most is Cable Television, with many TV services options for the joy of consumers. Many former traditional pay-TV users, known as cord-cutters, have decided to cancel their multi channel television subscriptions, and move to internet-based services. According to...

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Artificial Intelligence for Android App Development

Artificial Intelligence App Developmen (AI) is a technology that allows app developers to achieve a better mobile experience and improve personalization capabilities for customers. Understanding voice commands and the execution of direct orders are some of the common uses of Artificial Intelligence on mobile devices. Applications developed with AI generally act as a mediator between customers and service, which means, they help users to accomplish certain tasks without human interaction. It has been said AI machines for app development are expensive for companies to maintain and manage, however, it has been also said this technology represents improvements in the production...

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Artificial Intelligence for Android App Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that allows app developers to achieve a better mobile experience and improve personalization capabilities for customers. Understanding voice commands and the execution of direct orders are some of the common uses of Artificial Intelligence on mobile devices. Applications developed with AI generally act as a mediator between customers and service, which means, they help users to accomplish certain tasks without human interaction. It has been said AI machines for app development are expensive for companies to maintain and manage, however, it has been also said this technology represents improvements in the production capacity...

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Android devices with the best cameras in 2018

Taking photos is without a doubt one of the features most used of mobiles. In fact, this is one of the main characteristics that users tend to look for when purchasing a new smartphone. After Long-battery life and Shatterproof screen, having the best camera available in the market is the feature most wanted by users. And with all types of amazing apps making use of camera functions to enhance user experience (or actually working exclusively by using this function), this makes all the sense in the world. It is part of our daily life, we want to take and...

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All you need to know to take an online course successfully

The secret of taking an online course successfully is becoming a dedicated and planning person; plus, you must identify if the content of a course is meaningful and have a clear idea of what are you going to do after you finish it. Of course, you won’t be a disciplined person overnight, but by taking note of the following advices you might end up being motivated to complete any online course you take. Dedication and planning One of the key reasons why people finish an online course is because they practice discipline which, of course, can’t be accomplished without...

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