User reviews on apps reviews are one of the most important features of Google Play. There, users can rate your app according to their experience with positive or negative comments.

Android is the only mobile platform that allows developers to reply comments of users on the reviews section. That’s a good advantage for Android developers because it provides an opportunity to make a closer relationship between users and app creators.

Replying to users comments on the reviews section will allow you to:

  • Follow users advices or suggestions to improve your app
  • Let them know when you take action to solve a specific problem of your app.
  • Give explanations to users about possible complains on app performance.
  • Humanize the relationship between the app and the user by showing them that you’re aware of their opinions.

Increase your app ranking

Getting positive reviews helps your app´s natural engagement to be also in a good position, which can make you escalate positions at the same time and become more visible for users searching their best options in Google Play.

Your app ranking is based in several requirements to provide the best quality ensurance, and good reviews are one of them. It is important you solve any situation as soon as possible to avoid getting negative reviews.

A successful app thanks to good reviews

Do you remember Flappy Bird? the simple game that became one of the most famous mobile games in history? Well, that was one of the most downloaded apps in 2013 for one reason: Good reviews.

Stats reveal that the game got more than 700k reviews in a month, becoming one of the main reasons of the success of this game with millions of downloads.

What makes you get a good review?

Getting a good review depends, in a large part, on your app performance. If satisfactory, then you have great chances of getting a five star qualification or a nice review. The same thing happens if your app has a bad performance, you will not get good reviews.

However, there are other factors that intervene in the user decision of giving a positive or a negative review. The most important are:

  • Don’t offer things that your app doesn’t have. That will only disappoint users and make them ask you for explanations.
  • If you launch it as a paid app, make it worth the price. Freemium apps are almost half of the apps downloaded from Google Play, so if it follows a paid model, you must be sure you don’t offer something that users can get for free.
  • It’s not a good idea to be a pusher. Don’t try to ask people to rate your app and specially, don’t offer incentives in order to get good comments. This could even be dangerous and get you an account banned from Google.
  • Test your app thoroughly to satisfy the first users and start your project with positive reviews.

As you’ve noticed, reviews on apps are essential to improve your project, escalate positions and get more downloads. Try to work from the beginning to get good reviews and be also prepared to satisfy users demands after you release your app, in order to have more opportunities to take it to the top.