If you are thinking on developing an app -or you already have one- and you want to finally release it in Google Play Store, we’d like to tell you about some things you need to know before launching an Android app.

One of the things commonly forgot about app development is that we need to consider certain tasks, which are also required to announce and launch a product properly in the Google Play Store.  

At first, we could think these tasks are separated from the development process itself, however, they are just as important in order to make sure everything will be done according to the Google policy and to achieve the best possible success when launching an app.

5 things you need to know before launching an Android app

The following can give you an idea of the aspects you need to know before releasing an app in the Play Store.

    1. Review the Launch Checklist of Android

Android has always made efforts to give developers all the information they need to build an app correctly.

There is an official Launch Checklist in the Android developer website. It is a useful and complete guide that gathers the process and regulations you must follow in order to release your app in the Google Play Store.  

From program policies and quality guidelines to running tests and good practices for growing your audience, it provides the tasks you should check to make the best launch for your app.

    1. Build a Marketing Plan

Have you ever wonder how your audience will find out about your app once you launch it? Even if you have done an excellent job with it, it’s important to build a proper marketing plan to increase your app success.

A Marketing Strategy goes beyond the Play Store, it takes a lot of research about the market you are competing in, how much you can benefit from it, and which strategy you’ll execute to promote your app.

Basically, you have to work on a plan defining your competitive advantages, the target group, realistic and measurable goals, your budget, and tactics that include how to promote your app.

    1. Take your app to the highest level of showcase

Before publishing your app, you need to work on the key information you’ll have to write on the Google Play listing, as well as graphics that show how the app works.

The first impression always matters, creating an attractive icon is very important because it is what users take a look at first. Screenshots and a short video will help users to have an idea of how the app works; your description must tell them how your app solves their needs.

Android provides these and other tips to make a compelling Google Play store listing to drive more installs.

    1. Think World Wide

When you’re planning a launch strategy, remember that you are selling on a worldwide market, which means you need to consider the language, content rating, and multiple platforms releases.

Take your time to review the Localization Checklist Android provides, it will help you identify the countries in which you have the opportunity to stand out, the languages you need to translate your product into, as well as the process you need to follow to make these configurations.

Think of releasing your app in multiple platforms to reach more users, and identify the price of your app depending on the country (currency and taxes). Lastly, don’t forget to fill out the content rating questionnaire as unrated apps may be removed from Google Play.

    1. Support Users after launch

Before your app´s launch, you should already have a plan of how this is going to respond to them. Have you already created your contact channels? Will someone be in charge of taking care of this?

More than likely, users will have some questions or comments about your app through the contact email, the Play Store or any social media account you’ve created for this purpose.

Make sure to provide your users all the attention they deserve, since they are the most important part of any project.


We recommend you to read Android Play Store Policies even before start developing and modify, if necessary, during the process. Also, work in parallel the launching strategy to be more productive and meet your deadlines.