Today, children have access to many kinds of different apps, which they use for learning, entertainment or creativity purposes, mostly. Developing apps for Children is a really important job because, at an early age, they find themselves already immersed in some of the latest digital trends.

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Not so long ago, Nielsen made a report about children´s mobile usage, in which it is said that almost half of the kids in the U.S. have a cell phone plan, and downloading an app is within their top mobile activities (59%).

And what about the spent time? At the end of last year, a Common Sense Media report indicated that children of 8 years and younger spent an average of 2 hours and 19 minutes per day with a screen media.

The children’s mobile market has become an opportunity for developers who want to create apps for this specific group of users.

Creating an app for children

This users group that may differ from one another according to their age and gender. Developing an app for children could become a real challenge when it comes to keeping them interested and motivated.

That is why, if you are thinking about designing an app for children, then you must take into account some things first:

Attractive Design

We´ve seen before how UX and UI are two main aspects of every single app, but it is even more important when we talk about kids. There are no second chances with them.

Children are attracted to bright colors, emoticons, graphics, sounds, and easy-to-use interfaces. If they don’t get what they’re looking for quickly, they can feel frustrated.

Creators of this apps need to focus on using an easy language, create positive emotions and make as many interactive elements as possible.


Kids love to be challenged, it is in their nature. However, they also expect to be rewarded when they do something right. That is why they find in competing with others and putting an effort to achieve something, a very fulfilling sensation.

In order to generate that feeling -alongside with attractiveness-, these apps usually contain great reactions to really create an interactive experience for them.

Also, giving them the chance of multiple scenarios and possibilities motivate them to explore your app waiting for all kind of different outcomes.


Despite kids are the group you are targeting to, you need to keep in mind that parents are the ones who usually research and download an app for them to use.

With this, we try to say that a good app idea for children also contemplates the mindset and values parents want to transmit to their kids.

Security and Parental Control

Although parents have the responsibility to control how children use their devices, developers must build their products focused on making them feel safe by giving their child a device.

Developing with a focus on solving parents worries give developers a chance to know their app will be downloaded. An example of that is Facebook.

Facebook launched Messenger Kids, a messaging service for kids. This app allows parents to control who their kids talk to through their own Facebook accounts, and kids don’t need to create a profile or have a phone number in order to use it.

Services like Messenger Kids give children an option to try social media safely, and to parents, the peace of mind that their kids are safe from strangers.


Remember that research and knowing your audience are key to increment the success of your app. Plus, when you are building an app for children you must think of the ones that will use it and the ones that will pay for it, children and parents.