Category: Resources

Why learning Android App Development is still a great thing to do?

Learning Android App Development is still a great thing to do because there is so much going on in this area. It’s a profit-making profession on high demand. There are many innovative ideas in the mobile applications market, and the growth of new technologies that will improve the mobile environment assure us a great outcome for the investment in these type of careers. Smart home apps, voice-activated apps, artificial intelligence and Chatbots in e-commerce, are only some of the technologies looking to be part of the mobile world. The main goal of all them is to make our lives...

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Best courses to learn Android App Development in 2018

Learning Android development continues to be one of the best decisions for professionals who wants to get prepared to find a job in a tech area. Just as many specialized websites like or U.S. Bureau of labor statistics indicate, there will be more people with these type of jobs by 2024. This is a trend we’ve talked before and that will remain for this year. With this in mind, and knowing that today is the best time to learn Android App development, we’d like to talk about the best courses currently available to learn how to build mobile...

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Best Augmented Reality apps for Android

Augmented Reality (AR) isn’t a new technology. In fact, it has been around for a while, however, we cannot deny it became incredibly visible for all, thanks to an excellent app like Pokemon Go, which made it a highly known trend given the fantastic way that it lets you interact with your surroundings. Apps using AR enables us to extend our environment by giving more information and digital content linked to locations and physical objects near to us. GPS and camera functionalities are used to provide the best experience of this trend considered as a winning idea for mobile...

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Class Central, a search engine to find the best MOOCs and online courses

In 2011, Dhawal Shah was doing one of the very first MOOCs in Artificial Intelligence when he saw more being announced from Stanford University. He thought, then, how much he would like to see all the courses in one page and be able to sort them by start date. So, he built Class Central just to do that, so that all information could be easily displayed. It took him 3 days, then he launched it and put it on Social Media. It wasn’t like a big plan, he was just at the right place at the right time. 3...

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Top Apps for athletes

Today it is more common to see people using apps for leading a healthy lifestyle.  Athletes have found in mobile technology the perfect ally to improve their exercise routines, as they have better control of their effort while working out. We’ve seen before that users who are looking for a healthier life can take advantage of several apps in their Android devices, especially smartphones and wearables, which adapt their functions to show you features focused on your fitness habits. As an Android developer, you should take note of all kind of apps that are available on Google Play focused...

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