Google DevRel team (Developer Relations) is an important part of this global organization, as they evangelize their technologies and advocate for the needs of other developers.

The DevRel team was founded in the US in 2006 with the goal of making Android, HTML5 and the Google Developer platform the greatest ecosystem for the developer community. Soon it expanded to Asia Pacific and Latin America, and in just four years it went global.  

Google DevRel team

This is a group of very passionate people who share their love for Google products. They are engineers who play a huge role by spreading the word about Google and connecting with other developers and partners.

But not only that, as they also are in charge of supporting the developer community in all kind of helpful ways, from participate in developer forums and solve coding problems to writing tutorials or giving lectures. They are good at explaining how things work.

The profiles include Developer Advocates, Developer Program Engineers, Developer Program Managers and Technicals Writers.

They are also in charge of such an useful site for Android developers like  

The opinion of a Google DevRel team

To Reto Meier, a well-known Android Developer Advocate at Google and author of “Professional Android” one of the Top 10 books to learn Android programming in 2017, working as a DevRel can be defined in just one word: Awesome!    

According to Meier, and we quote, “the best thing about working in Google’s Developer Relations team is the opportunity to work at the leading edge of one of the most dynamic fields of progress”. That and the inspirational people he gets to interact with are the sweet parts of this job.

Also, let’s remember that in order to become a Google Expert you must first be nominated by an expert who is a current member of this program or by a Google DevRel team member, as Adrián Catalán mentioned when we interviewed him.   

So, this is how DevRels contribute with Google’s cause by sharing about these cutting-edge technologies with other developers, What do you think of these evangelists and advocates?