Business apps can help companies to improve. This enhancement is based on providing the right tools to run their business way easier today than in the past, thanks  to mobile devices.

Companies need tools that allow their members to make daily routine a better experience by providing tools to organize their schedule or taking control of tasks and other activities that optimize their jobs.

Developers have, in their hands, the possibility of giving multiple choices of business apps to workers and companies who are looking to optimize workdays.

We present you some of the best business apps you’ll find these days, according to the particular purposes they offer to users:

Job scheduling and organization: Trello

We’ve spoken before about Trello, one of the most complete and responsive project managers in the mobile market.

On this platform you can organize your assignments according to priorities, subjects and job status. You can also use labels, checklists or comments to take total control your workday, whether in a team or as a single user.

Trello is definitely an app that you must use and study as an App developer in order to organize your project assignments or take as an example if you want to make apps with similar features.

Files and documentation: Google Drive

It may sound a little cliche to talk about a Google tool in a post of best recommendations for Android, but it is inevitable. This cloud storage has all you need to work everywhere and it supports documents with all office and windows extensions.

You can work and upload documents in an offline mode in order to upload them when you get access to the internet. That’s something you can take advantage of, when you are on a trip or staying on a place where you can’t get online.

Online Payments: PayPal

PayPal is, probably, the most popular mobile wallet on internet. It has been integrated to online stores like Amazon and E-bay, virtual libraries and services like Netflix, PS Store and other known platforms and tools that require online transactions.

Almost every country in the world accepts PayPal, which has support for at least 26 currencies around the world.

This virtual wallet is well integrated with Visa and Mastercard, making it compatible with almost every site in the world accepting these payment methods.

PayPal also works with bank accounts of many countries worldwide, making possible to pay online without the need of credit cards.

Note taking: Evernote

If you’re one of those persons that has became fully-digital and prefers to write ideas and take notes on your mobile device, then you should try Evernote.

This app has a lot of features integrated on the interface that allow you to do more activities than other similar apps, like searching texts on PDF documents, share meetings, write a diary or synchronize activities with other users.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to get full access to all the features, you must acquire one of the plans the company offers.

Business News and Finance: CNBC

This NBC’s app is one of the most complete of its type and provides users access to business news around the world, financial information and live updates of market data and from the stock market.

The app gives breaking news alerts to users and shows short quotes to monitor interactive charts and news about the most important markets of the world.

Users can make a list of specific topics they want to get information about in order to optimize its usage.

These apps are the most recommended for companies and workers. They could help you to improve your work and make your daily routine easier.