Category: Android Articles

Why you should choose to develop Android Apps as a career

Everyday day technology advances we become a little more dependent of the facilities it provides, which make our daily routine easier. Software and app development are the main engines that make work most of the technology we use nowadays. The noticeable growth of digital technology also shows that the big tech incorporations are focused on app development. This situation has made app development to take a main role in recent years, due to the constant growth of mobile devices sales around the world. Have you ever thought of studying something related to software development? Do you have any ideas...

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How is Android Development changing the world?

If you are an avid reader of this blog, you´ll know the many times we’ve mentioned about the multiple benefits of becoming an Android developer nowadays. Furthermore, if you are enrolled in the Professional Android Developer course you are likely to recognize the importance of improving your profile and building a career in this matter. Do you remember that time when you didn’t have an app to do that thing you commonly do these days? Maybe taking notes, watching a movie or the news, playing a game, reading some book or chatting with people who are away? If you...

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To be or not to be an Android Developer entrepreneur

The decision of becoming an Android Developer entrepreneur is a very common dilemma for many app developers. If your are preparing yourself to become an Android developer, chances are you have thought about it at least once. We’ve heard successful stories of people making their own way into the mobile app market like Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp or Airbnb, to name a few. However, as we discussed in one article from last week, the mobile app market has suffered some changes over 10 years, and app developers might have to think about different approaches when it comes to app development.  ...

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How Google for Jobs initiative will benefit job seekers and employers

Google for jobs is a new initiative from the Search Giant with the main goal of providing a place where people can apply for jobs. According to the announcement made by Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, at this year’s Google I/O conference, this is an attempt to “connect employers and job seekers”.      You can check out other important announcements that took place at Google I/O this year, here. Pichai also stated that 46% of the employers in the U.S. express their struggle finding talent and filling job positions as they´d wish. And job seekers may be also struggle to...

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Affordable Android devices on the market

So far, We’ve mentioned about the characteristics of open source code platforms such as Android, and how it has contributed to economic growth and have provided more options for consumers, among other things. Apart from this contribution to the mobile app market, Android can also be considered a reference when it comes to enable people to acquire this kind of technology, in terms of affordability. Affordable Android Devices Whether in emerging markets, where growth rate has increased in recent years as it is the case India, or in markets with more disadvantageous conditions as it is the case of...

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