As any other new skill gained in life, app development is a process that takes dedication. We recently discussed the importance of time management and practice to get the most out of your online education.
Your learning process could be different from others, that´s why it is important that you learn at your own pace, participate in community forums and make your best effort in the journey to become an Android App developer.
While learning the technical aspects of app development, there are a few other aspects you should consider, so we’ll like to talk about 3 challenges app developers might face at first:
1. Getting design skills
After you have detected the app idea you want to develop and made some research about your target group and how your product may stand out from competitors, this is the next step when you build an app.
In terms of App development, design is as important as engineering. You need to think about the User Interface and how it will fit with Android user experience. You can always work with someone that has that kind of background, however, it is relevant that developers understand the basics principles of good design.
To expand on this, check out Android Material Design site.
2. Choosing a business model
You need to do some research for this as well. Find out what similar apps already launched have to offer, how those apps are generating revenues and if users are willing to pay for your distinctive idea, for instance. This will let you know the business model that best suits your app and how to put a price on it.
3. Promoting your App
After you’ve built your app to be supported for a variety of devices and you’ve done all about testing, you need to start promoting your app. It is highly recommended that you have a strategy before you launch the app. There’s not only one way to proceed when promoting your product, you can always follow these 5 steps to promote your app.
Also, make sure to read Android Distribution recommendations for more tips on this matter.
These challenges correspond to the sections that represent the general order for app development. We know there are more challenges when it comes to building an app, but try to always keep in mind design and distribution factors in your development process